Haven’t watched the TV show, The Flash, yet? Then you need to take some time out, reassess your life plan and WATCH THIS SHOW. It’s seriously that good. Words can’t express just how excited we were when season two came out.
Still unconvinced? You won’t be for much longer. Behold, our definitive list of just some of the reasons why it’s a must-see.
We start with the man himself. The reason why Flash is so damn good to start with is down to the sheer awesomeness of lead, Grant Gustin. We’ve loved this guy ever since he first hit our TV screens in Glee as the evil-yet-seriously-cute Sebastian Smythe. It’s great to see his masterful transition from villain to a hero here – especially a hero as adorkable as Barry Allen.
Fans of the comic books will be won over the second they see how true the show is to the original stories. And by true to, we mean almost exactly the same as. It captures all the multi-faceted aspects of Barry’s character and even includes classic Flash villain “The Reverse Flash” and the whole time-travel aspect.
Will Barry EVER get Iris? During most of the first season you may find yourself sitting there silently screaming at the TV, as Iris decides to be with Eddie not Barry. It’s painful to watch as they’re both good guys, but it’s sooo obvious that Barry and Iris are meant to be! Even so, the season’s finale is both tragic and beautiful, but we won’t spoil it for you – you’ll have to watch it to find out…
All you really need to know is that one of the villains is a freakin’ evil TELEPATHIC GORILLA! And if that’s not enough of a reason to watch the show then we don’t know what is.
There’s literally no character in this entire show that you will wish wasn’t there; they’re all just so awesome! Even Dr Harrison Wells (we knew you were keeping evil secrets you little sh*t). We’ve already talked about Barry, but the show wouldn’t be the same without his friends. There’s Iris, of course, who has some pretty great scenes with The Flash himself (seriously, with that chemistry something’s got to happen between them in season two, surely?). There’s also Harrison, Caitlin and Cisco, who provide us with some edge-of-your-seat scenes down at the labs. These guys also explain the science-y things in a way that’s easy to understand. Long story short, this is our dream squad.
Well, looks like we’ve covered some of the reasons why The Flash has sped its way to the top (ha!) but we’ve only just scratched the surface. There’s PLENTY more.
Now it’s over to you to watch the two seasons and find out for yourselves. Trust us, it’ll be worth the binge!
And if after watching it you want to become the Crimson Comet himself, then click here to check out our Flash morphsuit!