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The festive period brings out fun-filled side of most of us. Except the seriously miserable, hateful, selfish, Scrooges among us, admittedly. It's a time for fun, laughter and general all-round japery. A time to play silly games, drink too many alcopops and generally have a right laugh. We all love to dress up at Christmas at too it seems, whether it's in that new sexy sparkly frock (for the girls) or a super trendy shirt with instant sex appeal (boys and/or girls).


Costume parties are particularly popular during the festive period too and while the less imaginative among us will settle for a pair of antlers or comedy Santa hat, those prepared to enter into the real spirit of the festive party season will slip into something far more spectacular.


A festive costume party doesn't necessarily require a festive theme, but it's not a bad place to start. Traditionalists might opt for a classic Father Christmas suit, which is the failsafe option - a bit too safe perhaps. But you can always take the Santa concept a bit further and swap your classic Santa Claus get up for a skin tight Santa Morphsuit if you're feeling confident. A traditional ‘nice guy' Father Christmas can be boring so why not go as his alter ego Bad Santa.


If you've been hitting the mince pies quite hard in the build up to your festive costume, a Snowman Suit sn't a bad option. Other more ‘forgiving' Christmas dressing up suggestions include a Giant Christmas Tree (just watch the cat doesn't try and climb up your branch) or a tasty Gingerbread Man - no-one will be able to see your face in this one, so it's the perfect choice for festive gatecrashers (or anyone with a nasty acne break out).


For some, Christmas brings out a more mellow side, in which case a good old festive jumper can replace the full-on dress up costume. Consider a nice crackling fire on your jumper, and instantly warm everyone's cockles or a snuggle up in a Cheeky Peeking (ever-so-slightly-freaky) Santa sweater.


For ladies who want to look at least slightly attractive, there is a host of sexy dress up options to consider. Santa Lady will have every hot-blooded single man trying to get into your stocking. And a sexy Reindeer will have them queuing up to buy you a drink quicker than you can say ‘jingle bells'.


Take a look at our full festive selection of dressing up gems here.

Christmas Costumes, Christmas Comedy costumes, Christmas jumpershttp://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=www.morphsuits.com/christmas-costumeshttps://instagram.com/morphcostumes/http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=amplience.com&media=www.morphsuits.com/christmas-costumeshttp://twitter.com/home?status=Christmas%20Fancy%20Dress%20Costumeshttps://plus.google.com/share?url=http://www.morphsuits.com/christmas-costumes


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