Morphlabs Costume Wizards - Kyle Langlois
Kyle Langlois is a Canadian born artist. His passion for art as a youth has grown from a beloved past time to a successful career. Enjoying all types of media from, airbrushing, to traditional pencil and ink drawing, digital design using Photoshop, and even sculpting and casting life size costumes. Using both freehand and masking techniques, Kyle prides himself in achieving hyper-realism and creating the illusion of form in his art, whether it be portraiture, wildlife or skulls tearing through sheet metal.

Over the past ten years Kyle has spent his time creating custom airbrush art, where he has had the opportunity to apply this artistic touches to big rigs, low riders, motorcycles, wall murals, helmets, clothing, costumes, and countless other surfaces. Specializing in goalie masks, he has painted hundreds of one-of-a-kind designs for both Pro and amateur goalies throughout the world. Between painting tanks and tailgates Kyle would find time to design and create Halloween costumes. With the aid of this mother Debbie and his late father Gerry he would build larger than life suits complete with stilts, articulating hands, foam spikes, cables, latex, and even one with a retractable ten foot wing span. Wearing the home made costumes Kyle competed in many events and won thousands in cash and prizes. In 2012 Kyle, decided to purchase a Morphsuit and use it as the canvas for his next design. He did some sketches then airbrushed it with sinister faces, creepy eyes, teeth, and textures. On Halloween night he suited up, took some photos, went to a local bar and won a t-shirt. Six months later he shared those photos with the crazy
people from Morphsuits. They fell in love with it and asked him to create several more that soon became the jaw dropping Morph Monster Collection. Inspired by human anatomy, nightmares all things horror, fantasy, and sci-fi, Kyle describes the suits as "Gruesome and beautiful, rotten and pristine, freighting and silly". Kyle currently lives and works from his home in Brampton, Ontario. When he is not painting and designing he is probably... sleeping, dreaming about painting and designing. However, he does love to play lacrosse, take nature hikes, and spend time with his daughter, family and friends.